Group Buy Guy is a HUGE fan of Daily Deal sites for one reason and one reason only; “FREE MONEY.” Getting a nice discount on things you already need or want is awesome, but at the same time Group Buy Guy ain’t no sucka’.
I just got off the phone with a girlfriend who is getting laser hair removal treatment on her eyebrows. She came across a daily deal offering that she called a “ridiculously” low price and “had to do it.” Now I flat out told her she was crazy. First for being lame enough to get laser treatments… there’s kids sleeping on the streets for crying out loud! And second for getting sold. She readily admitted not planning on getting laser treatment and just thought it was such a great price she couldn’t pass it up.
How is this free money? It’s not. You cannot measure free money based on a sale price or one time discount. Free money comes when you get a deal on something you intended to buy in the first place. The greatest sale price in the world still cost money.
The reality is we need to work as a community. We need to act as if we’re a large organization. We need to group together to achieve sustained discounts on the products and services we’re loyal to. For example, if a merchant were to give me a reasonable discount on the aloe toilet paper I enjoy (yeah I went there) I’d be a customer for life… And that’s "FREE MONEY."
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